
Dedicated to establishing new connections between hundreds of local charity organizations and millions of noble residents!...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The NETWORKING side of the connection:

I was asked to describe the Business Networking and Social Networking side of the "connections" equation. What's in it for the Networking groups?
Well, aside from the obvious benefit of sleeping well at night because of helping out a worthwhile cause, there are very valuable "selfish" benefits to the Networker.

Start with Business networking. Business people who gather to develop and nurture business relationships and look for new contacts. If they move their networking meeting to the venue where a Charity fundraiser is taking place, think of the ADDED new contacts they can make! Those people who are NOW available to them during this event, the active supporters of DFW Charities are some of the most positive, successful, motivated, and helpful business people you'll ever meet!

And similarly, what about job seekers? Who should they be networking with? That's right, these same successful and helpful-minded folks!

And it relates similarly to the Social Networker as well. Those groups who meet just to meet, to chat, to laugh, to enjoy the company of others. Well, it wouldn't hurt their chances of finding some more quality friends and adventures if they were intermingling their social time with that of the Charity supporters with the big hearts!

And speaking of big hearts, let's quickly touch on the Single person looking for quality friends and romantic connections. Who do you want to be chatting with, the man or woman you meet at Joe's Wild Time Grille, or the man or woman you meet at a charity event. Who's the one with the potential??

Go look at the Calendar now. And get yourself, your friends, your networking groups to change the way they decide "where should we go?"!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Website is up and running

The DallasCharityConnection website is up and running! This is a basic proof-of-concept version that will show what the intent of the site is, and not all functionality is available just yet. The CALENDAR is there!, and some links are working, and more will become live each day. Go to http://www.dallascharityconnection.com

Incidentally, I'm trying to find some data to help tell "the story" of how we will benefit from reaching out to the people we aren't inviting to our fundraisers. There are 6.5 million people in DFW. I'd like to find out how many donors the American Red Cross, for example, had in DFW last year. If 500,000 people in DFW donated to the Red Cross last year, that means that by just getting $1 from each of the others (and who wouldn't give A DOLLAR to a noble charity?), they would raise an additional $6 million. This is a made-up example, I need real data.

Lots of events this weekend. Check out the calendar.